Hi! I’m Gerald (Jerry) Haynes

Follower of Jesus (most probably just like you), and author of “Living Inside Out”. And you’re probably wondering . . . ?

What is “Living Inside Out”?

The Internals . . .

What did Jesus, Paul, Timothy, and the early church leaders have in common? They had hearts filled with love for God and people, hearts humble before God seeking His will above all, hearts of faith which obey the promptings of his Holy Spirit. Though we speak of love, humility, faith, and holiness (or obedience) as distinct, we will see that they are in fact aspects of one heart, a heart that pleases God.

The Externals . . .

Four external human activities marked the life of the early church. “And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. These external priorities may often be crowded out by both good and bad life choices. By reading the Bible, we realize these externals not only demonstrate the reality of the internals, but they also nourish them, and turn believers into warriors in the Kingdom of God.

Would You like to be a warrior after God’s own heart?

Could we ALL be better followers of Christ?

I think we could!  THAT’s what Living Inside Out, is about.

As Christians, we are more than the sum of our parts, …and much more than the sum of our activities. Life is more than what we do. While spirituality may be intangible to us, we are constantly looking for living examples. The need for models of spirituality has plagued the Church since its birth. Jesus commanded his disciples to make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to do all that he commanded, …and His very last command was–to make disciples. You see, . . . disciples make disciples.

The word disciple means learner or follower and occurs throughout the gospels and in the first chapters of Acts. Then at Antioch the disciples are given the derisive title “Christian” (Acts 11:26). Shortly, the disciples came to love the name because it captures the fact that Christ’s followers follow because Christ lives in them. They suffer and die for His cause because they have been transformed from, you guessed it, The Inside Out. This transformation produces a characteristic lifestyle or pattern, we sometimes call discipleship.


Defining Love, . . .the Most Important Thing.

Discovering Humility, . . . Prerequisite for Guidance.

Discerning Holiness, . . . Only Way is Obedience.


The Apostle's Doctrine, . . . The Word of God

Fellowship, . . . Partnership With God and Man

Communion, . . . Sharing in Life and Death

Prayer, . . . Communication With God

Guest Pastoring

Jerry is available on a limited schedule basis to bring his Living Inside Out insights and strategies to fill in while a church Pastor is on vacation, ill, or away for a limited time. Contact Jerry for scheduling.

Men's Retreats and Fellowships

Jerry is available to Camps, Retreats, and Conference Centers for speaking to men concerning Living Inside Out strategies and successes. 

Passover Seder Dinners

Jerry is available to Messianic Synagogues and Christian Churches for celebrations of Jewish festivals revealing little known or understood Spiritual insights for Passover, Pentecost, Sabbath, and Sukkoth– and their relevance to the vibrant New Testament church.

Radio and Television Appearances

Jerry is available on a scheduled basis for in-station and telephone radio and television interviews concerning his new book, “Living Inside Out!”

“‘Love is the great and foremost commandment,’ and everything else hangs on a believer’s ability to love God and love people.” LIVING INSIDE OUT

Humility . . .”Just as all the law is fulfilled in the commandment to love, so the sacrifices under the law of God amounted to a broken and contrite heart.” LIVING INSIDE OUT

“While a proud heart is not right with God, the humble heart believes, trusts, and relies on God. It is the humble who live by faith.” LIVING INSIDE OUT

Contact Gerald (Jerry) Haynes Directly. You will make his day.

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